Viewing .dxd files in nCode

Shaun Maconaghy

Posted on 27.09.2018 14:36


In the past I was able to directly work with .dxd files using nCode. As long as everything used the same sample rate it worked flawlessly. When sample rate dividers were employed nCode would hiccup a bit and convert some data to multiColumn, but it could still be used for analysis. I believe that was using X2 and perhaps even X3 SP1. I am currently using X3 SP3 and if I ever try to use a working directory in nCode that contains a .dxd file the software crashes. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

My test department uses Dewesoft for data collection, but our custormers primarily use nCode for analysis. My current work around is to export all .dxd files as .s3t for use in nCode. Would anyone else like to see data files compatible with nCode?

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 01.10.2018 12:34


thank you for reporting this issue.

Would it be possible to get the data file on which you can see this problem?

Shaun Maconaghy

Posted on 03.10.2018 14:55

@DEWESoft Support

yes. Is there a secure or private location for doing this? I am using 64 bit version X3 SP3.

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 03.10.2018 15:34


if you can upload the file on the private forum, only you and us will be able to access the file.

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