Why is exported data being limited to 65536 rows (I run Excel 2010!)

  • Software
  • Why is exported data being limited to 65536 rows (I run Excel 2010!)
Rick Emerling

Posted on 11.10.2016 20:32

Is there some setting I need to change?

I believe that Dewesoft would detect which version of excel I have and use all 1million-plus rows.

By the way, the data is being exported to .xltm templates so that I can run macros. Maybe that's part of the problem?


DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 14.10.2016 10:59


I've tested this out and I can see the issue. It seems like the template system is not yet optimized for the new versions of Excel and gets limited to the lower row limit. The regular file/Excel export works fine, so this seems like a bug to me. I've added it to the bug list and I'll let you know when I receive some feedback from our developers.

Thank you for reporting the issue.

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 21.10.2016 15:02


it looks like the problem was with the selected template. If you use a template with the old Excel format (.xls), then the exported data will also have the old limitations. On the other hand, if you use a new template (.xlsx) you will be able to export 1 million rows like you're supposed to. When you create a new template, it will be based on the template that is currently selected, so you have to make sure that it's in the new format.

Rick Emerling

Posted on 25.10.2016 15:34

I'm a bit confused by the two answers from tech support. My original post says that I am using .xltm templates.

I trust the reply from 14 October still stands, meaning there should be a change made in Dewesoft so that exports to xltm files will be capable of more than 65K rows.

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 27.10.2016 11:19


I'm sorry about the misunderstanding. I didn't realize that the macro enabled template creates an entirely different file type/extension, even though you clearly stated it in the original post... I believe I now fully understand the problem and I'll make sure that it gets looked at again by our developer team. I'll write back to you as soon as I receive any new about the issue.

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 28.10.2016 13:18


our developers have fixed the issue, and a new version (SP8 RC14) has already been uploaded to the web page. This update should allow you to export to Excel using .xltm templates. Please let me know if you are now able to correctly export your data or if you still have any issues.

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