Use Google Maps in the Map Widget

  • Software
  • Use Google Maps in the Map Widget
Michael Macias

Posted on 27.10.2022 22:40


I am using the map widget in DEWESoft 2022.3 and it is pulling from the dewesoft satellite from a specific URL. Is there a way to switch the this display for it to use google maps? I am needing a higher resolution of the image that it's currently downloading.

Primoz Lapi
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 08.11.2022 14:16

The Dewesoft Map widget supports all standard tile server protocols (Tile server and WMS). These protocols are used by most of the tile server providers (Google maps, Bing, OpenStreetMaps, etc), however, you need to make sure you are legally allowed to do this. Specifically, Google does not allow caching or using tiles in 3rd party applications. While this technically works it is not legal. (section 3.2.3).

Other tile providers have the option also to do this legally.

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