TCP/IP client plugin

Savvas Tzavaras

Posted on 17.02.2016 17:58


I had made a server for that plugin but it's not working in Measure mode of Dewesoft.
In log files I get this warning "Invalid timestamp skipped! DewesoftTime: x DeviceTime: 0,00 (Delta: -x)"

Can you help my??


Martin Trummer
Software Development
Posted on 22.02.2016 13:09


most likely you don't send the correct DeviceTime in your header data: see "relative time" in the "Header Data" chapter.
you must reset it to 0 when the measurement starts and increase it accordingly.

In Channel Setup mode, the device data does not matter, because we always only display the most recent value.

For additional help, please send your e-mail address directly to Then it will be forwarded to the plugin maintainer who can help you directly.


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