Sharing .xltx export templates from computer to computer

  • Software
  • Sharing .xltx export templates from computer to computer
Brandon Gross

Posted on 04.04.2019 14:34


We do not have a dedicated laptop for Dewesoft. Instead, all users have Dewesoft on their individual laptops. My question is can someone create a excel template and share it with others so that they can use the same template easily? We had an associate who tried munually pulling "Uscript003.xltx" and "Uscript003.xps" files from "\DEWESoftX3\System\X3\Scripts\" and copying them into another computers same file path. The template appeared on the other computers Dewesoft export page, but didnt work when attempting to export using this template.


Brandon Gross

Posted on 15.04.2019 13:34


Urban Baš
Software Test Engineer I
Posted on 15.04.2019 14:05


can you also try copying "Uscript0003.xlt" (so "Uscript0003.xlt", "Uscript0003.xltx" and "Uscript0003.xps") to the other computer?

After you have all 3 files try exporting again.

Brandon Gross

Posted on 15.04.2019 15:46

That did work thank you.

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