Sequence file name

Dino Morio

Posted on 05.02.2018 16:31


Is there a way of determining the name of the sequence file.

I know there are functions in the Calculation block that returns the name of the data file name and setup file name, but what about sequence file name?

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 06.02.2018 10:37


there currently isn't any way of determining what the name of the sequence file is. I'll add it as a feature request.

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 02.03.2018 14:25


the feature that you've requested in this forum thread has been added and is available online in DEWESoft X3 SP3 DEV-180302. You can now read the name of the sequence file using the calculation block. I've attached an image example of the function.

Attached files:
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