Remembering endpoint after unpausing the measurement?

  • Software
  • Remembering endpoint after unpausing the measurement?
Simon Jakobi

Posted on 25.09.2018 15:17


I got some problems analysing my data.

My distance sensor moves from A (0cm) to B (100cm) then i pause the measurement

and reset the sensor to point A. After that I restart the measurment and the

distance sensor moves again from A to B.

Now my questions is, if there is a way

that the software remebers the output it got at point B and starts from that

point? In other words, it will now run from 100cm to 200cm? If u look at the

file it would mean that the graph would be kinda like a linear line and not 3

sepperate small lines.


thanks for any replies.

Attached files:
DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 10.10.2018 11:20

Dear Simon,

we can't actually create one graph for all measurements in our software. We can achieve that the second measurement starts, where the fist measurement ends but there will always be gaps between signals. The reason is because the measurement is stopped in between.

You can achieve the offset with sequencer and global variables. You need to write the last value of the measurement to global variable, and than use this offset for start point of next measurement.

Or you can use two simple math formulas, but the calculation must be done in offline mode so only the "real data" shall be taken into account.

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