Recording a channel value every 30 minutes

  • Software
  • Recording a channel value every 30 minutes
Manuel Cosentino

Posted on 23.10.2019 16:00


I would like to know if I can recorder a channel value every 30 minutes or 1 hour during my registrations. I don't mean a medium value, but the exact channel value. I find the "LACHT VALUE MATH" but I don't know i can set the time lapse.

thanks a lot.

Benji N

Posted on 25.10.2019 08:41


You can do that by using sequence. Go to Setup file > New Sequence.

Here is an example:

Manuel Cosentino

Posted on 25.10.2019 10:11


thanks for your help. If I understand, with this sequence I can take a recorder every 30 minutes with lenght of 30 minutes, but I would like to recorder only one data every 30 minutes. Thank you a lot.

Benji N

Posted on 25.11.2019 08:48

@Manuel Cosentino

No, the record lenght is only 10 seconds and you can change it to longer or shorter if you wish to. Under Delay function after StartStoring.

nick arran

Posted on 16.12.2019 10:43

Here's another way - without using sequencer and only taking a single point measurement.

Generate a signal in Math Formula that is a sine wave with a period of 30 minutes. TrigChan = sine(1/18000).

Then create a Latch value Math channel that is triggered by TrigChan = 0 (ie Criteria Channel = TrigChannel and Criteria Limit =1)

The the output of the latch value math will be your one sample every 30min.

Saves messing with sequencer!.

nick arran

Posted on 16.12.2019 10:46

Typographic Correction: Criteria Limit =0; then it triggers a sample every time the TriChan signal crosses through zero going positive.

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