Power Module: Average and Peak Harmonic Amplitudes

  • Software
  • Power Module: Average and Peak Harmonic Amplitudes
nick arran

Posted on 16.03.2022 17:01

In the power module there is a nice function to create an array of harmonics for each time slot.

But how can I get the average and peak level of each harmonic over a complete data file (ie like a peak hold FFT). The basic stats max function finds the maximum harmonic in each time slot (which is always the amplitude of the fundamental!), the array maths max function seems to do the same thing.

I need the maximum in the time domain for each harmonic not the maximum in the frequency domain for each times. Surely there is a way!

Gregor Šmit

Posted on 18.03.2022 14:54

Dear Nick,

thank you for contacting is. To calculate the maximum in the time domain for each harmonic please use the Basic statistics on the harmonics and selecting the options Single value and Sample based, please refer to the attached image. Sample based calculations will be faster than the Time based.

Kind regards.

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