Pink Noise in Math mode

Patrick Cordes

Posted on 15.12.2020 06:45

Dear Dewesoft Team,

is there a way to use pink noise in the math mode? Szenario: I have one analog output and want to use the function generator to output pink noise (easy). BUT I want to filter the pink noise first. In MATH mode I know there is a noise signal. Is there also a pink noise signal? Or could you provide the filter settings I would need to make the noise signal in MATH (I assume is white?) pink? Or is there an easy way I am missing to apply a filter to the output signal of the function generator?

Any Input is appreciated.

Kind regards,


Primoz Lapi
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 16.12.2020 14:36


attached is a setup where the pink noise is filtered out of white noise with formulas.

I hope this helps.

Attached files:
Patrick Cordes

Posted on 18.12.2020 12:57


thank you that was what I was looking for.

Best regards,


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