Open a setup file with a sequencer

  • Software
  • Open a setup file with a sequencer
Reuben Mann

Posted on 06.08.2024 02:58


I am working on a fairly simple (potentially too simple) use-case for the DEWESoft sequencer. I would like to use the sequencer to load a predetermined project file (.dxp) and open a predetermined setup file (.dxs). The goal is to obfuscate the loading of the project file from end-users. At the end of the sequencer, I would like the sequencer to exit and the setup file to be open for use. However, the sequencer operates as expected and at the end of the sequence it exits to the DEWESoft setup files menu. Is this task achievable using the DEWESoft sequencer? If not, I will write a simple script to run a sequencer with a single block (to load in the project file), wait about 30 seconds, close DEWESoft, and then re-launch DEWESoft by opening the setup file.

Thank you,

Reuben Mann

Software Engineer | Test Services

Honeywell | Aerospace

Email: [email protected]

Benjamin Solem

Posted on 15.08.2024 17:23


I find it being problematic and the events occur in the way you mention. I can think of a few potential work-arounds if that would work?

One, not so elegant, is changing the setup folder as the last step to an empty folder if that would be enough and then instruct the user to go either to Ch. Setup or Measure depending on your intention.

Another is to let the user work within the sequence? This could be done by adding a wait for user, infinite time, as the last block. That's how I've solved a similar use case. After that wait block I make a few checks before closing Dewesoft or just the sequence, depending on the user profile i've loaded.



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