Mismatch of terms between Analyze and Measure mode screens (Sample Rate, Rate, etc.)

  • Software
  • Mismatch of terms between Analyze and Measure mode screens (Sample Rate, Rate, etc.)
Lemmy Atom

Posted on 08.09.2023 18:35

For a long time I’ve noticed a mismatch of terms between Analyze and Measure mode screens but recently a couple of our new Dewesoft users noticed it too so I thought now’s a good time to bring it up. 

The use of the terms Rate, Sample Rate, and Dynamic Acquisition Rate seem to be inconsistent between the Measure and Analyze mode screens.

In Measure mode, there’s “Dynamic Rate” and “Sample Rate”. The latter being a very industry-standard term and easy to understand, especially when applied to the channel properties.

But in Analyze mode these terms swap and its confusing folks, especially when viewing file details in the preview window.


A screenshot would do more justice here: 

To speak on behalf of most users; in Analyze mode> file preview pane> under the “Sample Rate” column (but actually displays Dynamic Rate), It's more useful to show the actual sample rate rather than dynamic. Dynamic Rate doesn’t mean much to me. Whereas, at a glance it's helpful to see actual sample rate

In the Analyze screen please consider changing the details in the "Sample Rate" column to show the actual sample rate rather than Dynamic Acquisition Rate.

Pika Kreča Šmid

Posted on 12.09.2023 07:35

Hello Lemmy,

thank you for reaching out to us. 

Let's check out the definitions of sample rate and the dynamic sample rate, and let's firstly focus on channel setup. 

The dynamic acquisition rate is the maximum sampling rate with which the device will sample data. In other words, it defines the sample rate of analog, counter and digital channels. We use the name "Dynamic acquisition rate" to differentiate it from the static sampling rate from data storing. The sample data, which we can find in the channel columns, enables us to acquire data with reduced sample rate- we use it in order to save data space. The upper limit for this sample rate is the dynamic acquisition rate. We can also call it the software sample rate, as this is the rate, at which DewesoftX will display data. Since this is the software sample rate, we can change it from channel to channel. 

If we now take a look at the the Analyse section, we can see two values, the "Sample rate" and "Rate". The "Rate" means does mean the "Sample rate" or the "Sample rate divider" from the Measure mode. This value can differ from channel to channel and it is therefore not the accurate overall representation of the sample rate of the measurement. 

The so-called "Sample rate" is then, as mentioned, the maximum sampling rate with which the device will sample data. It is therefore the accurate representation of the overall sample rate of the measurement. At such, it makes more sense to display this sampling rate, as opposed to the sampling rate you've mentioned.

Upon further inspection, we agree that the difference in the names for the same properties can be confusing, especially for new users. We will check if this is something the team would be interested in changing at the moment. We will let you know as soon as we get an answer.

Best regards,

Pika Kreča Šmid

Pika Kreča Šmid

Posted on 20.12.2023 10:55

Dear Lemmy,

I would like to inform you that your request to standardize the use of Sample rate between the Measure and Analyze mode screen has been included in version 2023/6/RELEASE-231215

Here is an additional comment from the developers:

To hopefully make it a bit more clear all columns in any grid displaying Sample rate for a channel have been renamed from “Rate” to “Sample rate”. 

Best regards,


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