Lose calibration when editing sensors in Dewesoft X1

  • Software
  • Lose calibration when editing sensors in Dewesoft X1
David Schlender

Posted on 07.07.2014 18:44

Hello, I've got an issue that's begun to frustrate me and a few of the guys here at ABI. Although it's due to human error, I see room for a software fix that could eliminate some headache. It's a common frustration among several of our engineers/technicians, and so I believe it's common enough among other Dewesoft users as well.

When I edit a sensor's calibration factor on a sensor (already in the sensor database), I frequently make the following mistake when trying to update changes. My workflow is as follows...

  • Enter Channel Setup for a sensor (usually an accelerometer, linear potentiometer, or a load cell passed through a bridge-completing strain gauge amplifier).
  1. Click the padlock icon to edit the sensor cal.
  2. Adjust the sensor k-factor or calculate the P1/P2 from average voltage.
  3. I click "OK" at the bottom of the Channel Setup window. (I know that I'm supposed to click "Save sensor" or the padlock icon first, but more often than not our natural inclination is to click the big "OK" button at the bottom of the window.) At this point, the only option is to click "OK" in the error popup error message and start over, losing the changes that were made. 
  • Easy fix: I think there should be options such as "Save Sensor" or "Cancel" to go back and review the changes without closing the Channel Setup window. 


David Schlender

Product Development Engineer

Testing & Validation

American BOA Inc.

Marjan Grilj

Posted on 09.07.2014 08:11

Hi David,

That is good suggestion; developer have this feature request on TO DO list and i'll let you know when / in which version it will be inplemented.

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