Lookup Table Math Function

Matt Hanks

Posted on 05.03.2019 23:26

Is there a way to perform a linear lookup table function in DEWEsoft Math? I have an application where I want to input a speed signal and have it look up a value from a 64 point table. I may also have applications where I need to input two variables and return a table value.

Matt Hanks

Posted on 06.03.2019 22:39

I found how to do this using the "Time reference curve" math function. However, I wasn't able to paste in table values from excel like I hoped I would be able to do. It seems like the copy and paste buttons do nothing. If you change the number of points in the table, any values you entered get deleted and replaced by the default that you get. Also, if I set the reference curve type to "Dual value based", the "Number of points" in the table appears to be one less than what you select.

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DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 07.03.2019 13:05

Dear Hanks,

you need to be careful, that the table names are the same in Excel and in Dewesoft.

When you use value based reference curve, you can also change the number in the coloured background, which represents points.


Matt Hanks

Posted on 07.03.2019 15:15

Thanks for the response. Also, I figured out why the table values were getting deleted when I change the table size. It was because I was typing in the "Number of points" instead of using the up/down arrows. As soon as I type 1 in order to enter a value of 15 for example, it deletes all the points except the first, then when I type 5 to complete the "15" it add back the rows but because it had quickly gone down to 1 row it deleted all those values. No big deal now that I know how to paste in table values.

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