Line thickness for data plotted in 2D graph

  • Software
  • Line thickness for data plotted in 2D graph
Florian Rieger

Posted on 08.10.2021 08:39


Is there a way to change the line thickness for lines plotted in a 2D graph?

Gregor Šmit

Posted on 08.10.2021 10:15

Dear Florian,

thank you for contacting us. The line thickness can not be set for 2D graph in DewesoftX 2021.4. The option to set line thickness (Recorder, 2D graph) will be available in the new official release of DewesoftX 2021.5.

Kind regards.

Jiří Hájek

Posted on 24.01.2022 14:14

Dear Gregor,

I have come across a strange behavior of a graph, related to the original question by Florian. Depending on the x-axis span, the graph shows very thick bands (larger span values) or normal lines (for small span). The thick bands are undesirable but it seems we can not control this, except by zooming in... Please see attached a sample of this behavior in two pictures. Any help would be appreciated.

Attached files:
Gregor Šmit

Posted on 23.02.2022 09:49

Dear Jiří,

thank you for contacting us. When zooming the data the data buffer is also zoomed (direct buffer = real data) that is why the displayed lines are thinner, when zooming out the data in the intermediate buffer is displayed. When displaying the intermediate buffer the values between min and max of the signal are filled. Please try and enable the option: Optimize sample buffers for best signal visualization in Advanced settings under Performance, please refer to the attached image visualization. This option can improve data visualization on already recorded data.

If the signal still has thick bands you can also decrease the static acquisition rate in the Storing options, please refer to the attached image static-acquisition-rate. This option needs to be set before the data acquisition.

Kind regards.

Matt Rober

Posted on 02.03.2022 17:21

@Gregor Šmit

Is the feature for changing the line thickness available in DewesoftX 2021.6?

If it is can you please tell how to change the thickness of the curves (I do see the setting for changing the color of the curves only), thanks.

Gregor Šmit

Posted on 08.03.2022 10:37

Dear Matt,

the feature for changing the line thickness is available in DewesoftX 2021.6. You need to enable the DirectX graphics (UI) in the Advanced settings-> Experimental, please refer to the attached image. After the option is enabled DewesoftX needs to be restarted. The line thickness option will be available under display options.

Kind regards.

Attached files:
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