keyboard events

Rick Emerling

Posted on 02.09.2016 17:57

Is there a way to turn off the recording of keyboard events in the events data when I do an export to excel?


DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 05.09.2016 11:40


there is no way of not exporting keyboard events with the Excel export. All of the events will get exported automatically, you can't define which ones you'd like to export. If you don't want to have keyboard events in your data file, you can change the key that activates them while recording, so that you won't accidentally store them. Can I just ask, if there is any particular reason that you wouldn't like to export these events?

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Rick Emerling

Posted on 08.09.2016 16:04

I'm running a test in the sequencer that runs a motor in 2 directions. Between the clockwise and counterclockwise movements, I pause recording so that data from the CW and CCW tests are on separate sheets in the excel file (Data1 and Data2). Knowing that the start and stop times will be in column C of the Events sheet helps me in determining how much data I have on each sheet. I didn't know that the Events sheet would show keyboard events until I unintentionally pressed a key during the data recording. That messed up my calculations in other cells where I want to figure out where the data of interest other words the data to be analyzed will start in a known row of the Data1 and Data2 sheets (it's always row 3), but the last row of data will be different since the tests don't always run for the same time duration.

There are other ways around this, I was just wondering if the keyboard events can be turned off. Or if the exporting of those events can be turned off.


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