Invalid Time

Tristan Jones

Posted on 17.04.2018 04:05

Just wondering what particular issues can cause the Invalid time message to appear on the top of the measure screen.

Test setup was

Dewe 43

IRIG-B DC fed into the clk and gnd of the sync connector

Logger setup for external IRIG-B DC

When switching to the measure screen it displays invalid time, do you have any guidance on what the cause of this error may be?


DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 24.04.2018 11:14


could you please double check the synchronization error that you're receiving? Usually, you'd see a sync lost or a sync in overload message. A sync lost indicates that there's no synchronization signal present at all, while sync overload means that the synchronization has drifted out of the acceptable bounds.

Also, please make sure that the signal that you're feeding into the DEWE 43 is the IRIG B DC, and not the AC version. If it still won't work, then please record that signal via an analog input channel and send it to us. Also, it might be worth upgrading the software/firmware versions to make sure you're working with the latest equipment.

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