How to record a MACRO in DewesoftX Analysis TAB

  • Software
  • How to record a MACRO in DewesoftX Analysis TAB
Emanuele Spinosa

Posted on 27.05.2019 17:45

I have to repeat a certain number of operations for several DXD data files. I wonder if it is possible to record a macro or to write a code to perform this series of operartions I want to launch the code/macro after loading a DXD file.

Please let mw know if it is possible to do this and, in case, how.


Best regards,


DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 28.05.2019 11:41

Dear Emanuele,

with the sequencer it is possible to perform a lot of automated process for more than one *.dxd file, but it is not possible to create new channels. Using Apply action functionality (offline math and display) you can "copy" the offline math and display to other *.dxd files in one step. The only limit is that the data files are created with the same setup file.


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