how dsd file export to d7d

Ram prasad

Posted on 04.03.2011 11:36
Is it possible to import dsd(dewesoft6 version) file in dewesoft7.0.3 version directly??
Dejan Cencelj

Posted on 04.03.2011 11:44
Dear Ram Yes, there is a way for both setup and data files.. In the 6.6.7 you can save setup files in [b]XML format[/b] which can be read in V7 (in most parts). Best R
Dejan Cencelj

Posted on 04.03.2011 13:23
Dear Ram, there is also a way to import dsd to DEWESoft 7.03 directly. Open the file in 6.6.7 and press Export button. Than on the left select DEWESoft 7 option. Best R
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