
orrga aszm

Posted on 09.04.2024 04:01

A colleague of me wanted to export a measured signal to a wave file but .wav and a few other file types were not in the selection list.

He used Dewesoft X1 SP2

On my pc, when I use Dewesoft X1 SP8, I see much more file types and i'ts no problem to export to .wav file.

But when I open Dewesoft X2 SP4 the .wav type and a few other types are also missing.

Does this has something to do with some settings or the installation of Dewesoft or does it depend on the version ?

orrga aszm

Posted on 09.04.2024 04:10

How can I add those other file types which are available in other Dewesoft installations ? Candy Crush

Nejc Ucman

Posted on 10.04.2024 10:11

Dear Orrga aszm,

first of all, nice nickname! :)

Export file types are part of the AddOn folder, which you can find in the installation folder, for example: C:\Program Files\DewesoftX\Bin64\Addons64\. For the .wav, you need to check for \Wave folder, which includes the Wave64.exp file.

You probably have the plugin for .wav file in some installations and not in the others. You can simply copy and paste the folder from one installation to another or download the Wave export file from our Public Google Drive folder.

In any case, I also recommend updating to latest version of DewesoftX, which will include the latest versions of plugins.

Best Regards,

Nejc Ucman

Customer Support Engineer

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