getPointer returns null in Dewesoft X

  • Software
  • getPointer returns null in Dewesoft X
Alain Chapdelaine

Posted on 01.02.2023 21:50


In my plugin originally for version 7 I was using:

short *addr = (short*)getPointer();

short theValue = addr[getLastValueIndex()];

return getChannel()->ScaleValue((float)theValue);

but now with Dewesoft X getPointer return 0.0 (null). I replaced it with return getChannel()->DBValues[getLastValueIndex()];

Is getPointer function deprecated?


Gregor Šmit

Posted on 03.02.2023 14:28

Dear Alain,

thank you for reaching out to us. Yes the getPointer was deprecated, as it is not documented any more.

Kind regards.

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