DVI video compression

Florian Chalard

Posted on 21.07.2023 11:00


I've recently make an acquisition with video. I've used the dvi video format but now i need to compress it and also being able to open the video without dewesoft.

How can I convert this DVI video file to AVI after recording ?


Florian Chalard,

Manitowoc Cranes

Primoz Lapi
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 24.07.2023 07:30


select a data file with video and click AVI compress on top of the screen.

Florian Chalard

Posted on 24.07.2023 16:19

Thank you a lot !

Lemmy Atom

Posted on 24.07.2023 17:27

Is there a batch-method for this?

I have dozens and dozens of data files with multiple video channels. Drive space is shrinking. I'd love to batch-compress these and let it just run overnight.

Primoz Lapi
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 25.07.2023 10:43


we don't have possibility to do this in Dewesoft, but maybe you can use an external tool.


Karl Dicken

Posted on 01.11.2023 21:33

Is there a way to convert the dvi video files to avi without the dxd source file?

Lemmy Atom

Posted on 02.11.2023 16:47

Try making a dummy dxd file with the same name as the video files or vice versa. Dewesoft associates any video file to any data file with the same name regardless of the source video. So if the data file is an impact test but the video is a car driving down the road, software doesn't know or care.

The above suggestion is untested, I just work with a lot of sync'd video and post processed video and to get my video from another (remote) camera into software I have to rename it xxxx-datafilename.avi or .cam0, .cam1, etc.

Jamthef Fauld

Posted on 05.12.2023 10:26
Is there a way to convert the dvi video files to avi without the dxd source file?

DVI requires its paired high resolution DXD video data to yield a watchable AVI video. The DVI file alone is useless for actual video conversion unfortunately. Access to the proprietary DXD footage is key to extracting analog or digital footage from ultrasound systems. geometry dash

Primoz Lapi
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 06.12.2023 08:37


as Lemmy suggested you can make a dummy file that can help you compress the file.

It is not possible to compress just the video file.

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