dragging dewesoft to a different resolution monitor

  • Software
  • dragging dewesoft to a different resolution monitor
nick arran

Posted on 15.08.2023 20:55

I have a laptop with a 4k screen and a couple of monitors with HD or QHD resollution. When dragging dewesoft to the larger but lower resolution monitor - the text, controls etc are large and there is hardly any room left for the widgets. How to make dewesoft scale properly across different resolution monitors?

Matt Bosco

Posted on 16.08.2023 15:02

Not sure if this addresses your issue, but have you tried using the feature to attach displays to secondary monitors? The attached display will go fullscreen with no ribbon.



Matic Pevec
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 17.08.2023 10:53

Dear Nick,

The phenomenon is known for either application when you change the resolution. I understand you challenge for having a Measure canvas not optimized in terms of free space for widgets. Note that DewesoftX doesn't have any default setting that would eliminate that.

I recommend adjusting the scaling in the Windows settings. You can change the scaling for separate monitor by clicking to the monitor and then adjust the scaling.

P.S. DewesoftX remembers scaling of the primary monitor at the moment it was launched.

Any feedback is appreciated.

nick arran

Posted on 17.08.2023 12:09

It's a shame that dewesoft doesn't scale properly across different monitors. I tried every different combination in the "change high dpi settings" section of the "compatibility" part of the "properties" option in windows. But it doesn't really work.

I have only two work arounds for this:

  1. Reduce all monitors to the resolution of the the lowest resolution monitor (ie set my 4k laptop screen to QHD) then the two monitors have the same resolution and it works. In fact that continues to work even if you then change the high res monitor back to 4k!

  2. Make the low resolution monitor the "primary monitor" in display settings. Then it opens correctly in the lower resolution monitor ... but on the 4k screen the text is then too small to read.

Improvements in a later release of dewesoft perhaps? Most of my software (even including ancient versions of Matlab) change scale correctly. Only dewesoft and a few really old programs have the problem.

nick arran

Posted on 17.08.2023 12:12

"Not sure if this addresses your issue, but have you tried using the feature to attach displays to secondary monitors? The attached display will go fullscreen with no ribbon.

See https://support.dewesoft.com/en/support/solutions/articles/14000113175."

This is a different issue really; and so far I have not made it work or found time to experiment with it. Usually we only have space for one monitor during test measurements but in post test analysis it's good to have multiple dewesoft instances open on different monitors.

Thanks for the link tho. I will check it out.

Matic Pevec
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 17.08.2023 12:50

Dear Nick,

Thank you for you feedback and the proposed workarounds that work for you.

Changing the scaling is considered as a significant rework and is not planned for the near future releases.

Best regards

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