Display image based on input value

  • Software
  • Display image based on input value
Phil Gooch

Posted on 11.11.2016 11:59

I would like to create a display to look similar to a vehicle dashboard with icon images for park brake etc. I have a series of CAN inputs that have a value of 1 when the icon should be displayed and 0 when it should be hidden.

I have previously done similar with the standard DeweSoft circular "indicator lamp" but I soon end up with a long series of circles going on/off and it is difficult to see quickly which one represents each input.

Is it possible to do this using images?

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 11.11.2016 12:39


this can be done with the indicator lamp, you just have to switch the display type to "Discrete display". In the attachment you will find a configured example and a picture that shows you where you can define the values and custom pictures. If you want the visual control to display nothing, then you can just remove the picture for that value or insert a background image. You can also remove the channel name from the display for a more dashboard-like display.

Attached files:
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