DEWESoft Excel Reporting tool - dxd file support

  • Software
  • DEWESoft Excel Reporting tool - dxd file support
Charles Avila

Posted on 07.05.2015 00:25

Hi. Is the DEWESoft Excel Reporting tool going to support dxd files in the near future? 

Also, are there plans to also support other channels like math channels, FFT data, SRS in a newer revision? 

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 19.05.2015 14:56


1. dxd files are already supported since version 1.1.0. (Nov. 2014)

2. Math channels are supported.
The array channels are not supported and for now there are no plans to support them. This would be really hard and the full support wouldn't be possible. Excel supports only 16384 columns, but DEWESoft array channels may have them up to 64000.

Here is also a video: Excel reporting tool

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