Data loss in multifile mode

Irene Ramos

Posted on 10.07.2024 12:01

Hi, I have been recording data in multifile mode to save a d7d file every 30 minutes because the data acquisition I performed had a duration of 8 hours. When exporting the data to tdm I saw that only the first two hours had been exported, I guess lack of available memory of the device. When looking at the graphs in Dewesoft, the complete recording appears but there is a part that is not being exported to tdm. Is there any way to export or recover this data?

In the attached picture you can see how the part that is not being exported is recorded with a different frequency.

Attached files:
Matic Pevec
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 10.07.2024 13:29

Dear Irene,

Indeed we can check what is wrong if you send the DXD file and TDM file to us and describe which part is problematic. You can use Private forum discussion to send the datafile to us:

Best regards

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