Custom Time Format for Async text file import

  • Software
  • Custom Time Format for Async text file import
Scott Eichhorn

Posted on 02.09.2022 16:17

I cannot import a txt log file into Dewesoft using the async time method. Is there some problem with my formatting or some other setting? I'm running the 2022.2 Dewesoft X release.



Gregor Šmit

Posted on 05.09.2022 14:26

Dear Scott!

thank you for reaching out to us. When importing data from a .txt file, DewesoftX needs information about the absolute time. The Custom format window when importing is there so you can write in what format the absolute time is written.

The standard absolute time format in Dewesoft is DD/MM/YYYY hh:nn:ss.zzz (note that the minute is symbolized by the letter "n", as "M" is already used for the month). An example of this time format is: 30/08/2022 11:21:50.6800

If you use a different time format, you have to enter it in the Custom format window:

For example if you want to separate the date, month and year with a "-" (minus sign) instead of a "/" (slash), you can do so by exporting the data file with the format "DD-MM-YYYY hh:nn:ss:zzz" into a .txt file and importing it in the same format. The bottom line is that the data about the absolute time has to be present (day, month, year, hour, min, seconds, milliseconds) in the .txt file in order to import the data from it. The format in which it is ordered can be of your choice (as long as the exported and the imported time formats are exactly the same).

Here is an example to better illustrate what I have described above. I have created a .txt file, where the absolute time data is in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY hh:nn:ss:zzz

To import it, you have to write the same format in the Custom format window in the import settings:

This will import a file as such:

Looking at the pictures you have sent us I cannot tell exactly what time format is used in the .txt file, but the format you entered in the import settings will unfortunately not work. Minutes should be represented with the letter "n" and then there is no data for the date, which is crucial for Dewesoft to import the data. If your .txt file contains this data in some way, you just have to change the import time format to match that of the .txt file. If the .txt file does not contain the full data about the absolute time (it wasn't entered when exporting the original file for example) you can edit the .txt file so it contains numbers representing the date, which you can make up. For example enter 5/9/2022 in front of all the time columns and then change the time format in the import settings.

Kind regards.

Scott Eichhorn

Posted on 06.09.2022 17:42

Thanks, the date requirement was what I was missing.

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