CRC Calculation for PCM Frame.

  • Software
  • CRC Calculation for PCM Frame.
성진 윤

Posted on 08.09.2023 12:37

Hello, dear DEWE Engineers and users.

I'm now wondering how to figure out bit errors that occured while PCM data transmission.

For example, 256kbps, 200Hrz 1280bit minor frame PCM Data coming down from a Telemetry unit.

And there is a channel that include CRC data for the whole minor frame.

So, I can get a chance to distinguish the currupted data and not so.

My question is, Is there any possible solution for calculating CRC in Math function?

Or, Do I need to do it through C++ signal processing? It doesn't have to be realtime solution.

As I know, there is a plug-in for CAN protocol, Do you have similar one for PCM frames?

Or any plans for near future?

Thank you.

Gregor Šmit

Posted on 13.09.2023 15:45

Dear 성진 윤,

thank you for reaching out to us. This could probably be done with the help of C++ script.

Kind regards.

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