Couldn't do measure distances within the GPS map in analyse mode.

  • Software
  • Couldn't do measure distances within the GPS map in analyse mode.
Haitham Luthfi

Posted on 06.03.2011 11:51
I try to measure the distance between points within the GPS map visual control during analyse mode. but it seem not work at all. I try it using Example_drive01.d7d file in dewesoft 703. I've try it in dewesoft 6.6.x, and it works.
Dejan Cencelj

Posted on 07.03.2011 08:36
Hello, we were able to reproduce the issue and will do everything to solve it as soon as possible. Best R Dejan
DEWESoft Administrator
Latin America Regional Manager
Posted on 08.03.2011 11:53
This issue is solved in 7.0.4b9, which is available under Developer's download.
Haitham Luthfi

Posted on 09.03.2011 23:49
thank you. Let me check it.
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