Copy/transfer tags

Benjamin Solem

Posted on 08.04.2022 09:09


I've just discovered the beauty of tags in the channel setup. I've put in a lot... I have multiple setup files for different kind of measurements where I'd like to reuse the tags. But I cannot seem to copy/transfer the tags between different setups? I've tried to copy the tag column alone, but cannot seem to get it to import in the other setup file.

Is there a way to do this that does not include copying the setup, delete everything but the tags and start over?



Gregor Šmit

Posted on 12.04.2022 15:14

Dear Benjamin,

thank you for reaching out to us. The tags can not be imported from one setup file to another. There is however a workaround. You can export the setup with tags to the .xml file. The tags are written under under the nodes: <DewesoftSetup> -> <ChannelTagManager> -> <ChannelTags>, please refer to the attached image. The node ChannelTagManager can be copied to another .xml setup file under the DewesoftSetup node. The copied tags are then vidible in the .xml file.

Kind regards.

Attached files:
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