Bug fix - dewesoft crashes when large number of files are in the export directory.

  • Software
  • Bug fix - dewesoft crashes when large number of files are in the export directory.
Gary Floyd

Posted on 11.02.2023 15:09

When there are a large number of files (never really counted but maybe 500 files, so a couple days of testing) in the export directory (csv, winplot, and the dxd files) and switching to analyze mode, dewesoft will crash with an exit code 216 (I believe that is correct) when dewesoft is just starting to display the directory content. The user won’t even tried to select a file. this is on a Sirius dac but I don’t think matters to much. Problem does not seem to happen if I keep the number files low do I currently delete old files daily.

The monodaq (dewesoft sub company) we also use exhibit this same issue with only 20 or so files, but usually also corrupt the last file being used. I mention that here because monodaq does not have a user forum, does not answer support emails or answer the phone.

Primoz Lapi
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 15.02.2023 08:46


we have tested this with about 700 files in export folder, but there were no issues.

Could we maybe get an error log or a screenshot of the error that you experience?

Gary Floyd

Posted on 15.02.2023 19:40

Screen shot of switching from measure to analyze and then the 216 crash. I did not even get a chance to select any files. Once it crashes the machine needs to be rebooted as the dewesoft will no longer launch. The machine will work fine switching to analyze mode and exporting when run from a sequence but not manually when just opening a .dxs and switching to analyze mode. When double clicking on a .dxd from file exploxer dewesoft also does not crash.

Attached files:
Primoz Lapi
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 17.02.2023 08:20


from the screenshots, it looks like the issue is not in export screen but in analysis data file list.

This can occur if there is a corrupted data file and Dewesoft can't read the data from file.

Does the issue happen always on the same data file?

If yes, would it be possible to get the file, so we could check it here?

Gary Floyd

Posted on 17.02.2023 13:32

Correct my initial write up said analysis tab it was crashing not exporting. I mentioned that I store my .dxd and exported files in the same export directory (.csv, .sun, .mat) and a few log files.

I never get a chance to select a file before it crashes. Our normal work flow we do not use analyze at all except during a sequence and then it’s just to export. (on dewesoft hardware). I just delete the oldest files, which does seem to help and try not to use the analysis interface to do anything manually, open files through explorer only. For the most part, we just archive the .dxd and use the other file formats for actual processing and graphing. I have not noticed any corruption on the .dxd files I have reopened to check on things.

on my laptop that runs the same version of the software that I do code development I don’t get the 216 errors or crashes. There is just a license dongle and I keep the export directory cleaned out to one or two test runs. I use the analyze module fairly often with no crashes.

I think I am on 2022.1, not at computer right now to check, I can’t move forward to new versions due the channel export format changing. I am behind on firmware updates for the Sirius, been holding back on doing that since I don’t have time to validate with (A to B testing) and roll back when it breaks.

on monodaq hardware (different computers) we manually go into analyze to use the export, that crashes 50% of the time and corrupts the files pretty often, along corrupting the .dxs file occasionally. That’s harder to version control the since the monodaq plugin is changed often and they don’t achive old versions.

Primoz Lapi
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 24.02.2023 09:08


could we get the 16.0MB file that wasn't yet read? It is possible this file is the reason for the issue.

To be sure, you can also remove the file from the folder to see if it solves the problem.

Gary Floyd

Posted on 15.03.2023 02:31

So I have had this happen a few times now. Can confirm it's not the number of files. The crashing is quite strange. When a file causes Dewesoft to crash, if I move that file and put it in a directory by itself (no other files), Dewesoft can open the file and not crash, either by double clicking from file explorer or by opening through analyze tab. If I copy that files that were in the original directory to another machine with Dewesoft has no problem opening them and no crashes occur. I need to grab the files and attach tomorrow.

Bharat Khonde
Application Agent
Posted on 19.06.2024 10:53

Hi Primoz

Can I also understand why is this error occuring? As one of our customer is also facing a similar error in the analyze mode.

Pika Kreča Šmid

Posted on 24.06.2024 14:26

Dear Bharat,

an error with a Runtime Error Code 216 usually appears if a corrupted datafile is present and tries to open itself up in while in analysis mode.

If you can locate the corrupted datafile, you can try to remove it from the Data folder, or, if you could previously open the datafile with no issues, you could try reverting the datafile to original. Both of these options should remove the error.

Best regards,


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