Beat Frequency IEPE ACC

Sepi Sund

Posted on 24.03.2021 08:19

Hello :),

We have some troubles on Krypton One ACC and ACC DSI, the case :

  • We generate a sin periodic signal (with an IEPE simulator) on our Krypton One ACC (IEPE mode) : 4V peak to peak , 5kHz. The sample rate of our Krypton One ACC is set to the maximum 50kHz. So Shannon criteria is OK.
  • The problem is that in measurement mode we observe a signal : 3.7Vpp to 5kHz, with a beat frequency, the signal (peak to peak) is not stable in time, the higher the frequency signal is the higher the beat frequency is.
  • With an oscilloscope, no problem, we have 4Vpp.

Do you think the beat comes from the AAF filter ? Or an other soft/hard filter that we can't see ?

We observe the same on a Sirius 8xSTG with DSI ACC.

Best regards :)

Matic Pevec
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 30.03.2021 11:03

Dear Sepi,

Can you send us the datafile that has measured the phenomenon? I would like to discuss it with my colleague and find a solution for you. You can either use or create a Private forum session to send datafile to us.


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