Apply action feature in SP9

Teemu Janhonen

Posted on 13.04.2017 13:28


During analysis i want to change the visual view of displays by changing colors of the data in different displays.

When i copied display setups from reference file to others, using "Apply action" and option -Offline math and displays...

colors of the display data is not copied anymore I remember that the colors has copied also in the previous versions? Am i right?

All the datafiles has been measured, with the same channel and math setup with SP9 software.

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 13.04.2017 14:02


I believe that changing channel colors was never part of the apply action (display/math) feature. I've also double checked a couple of older versions and the color property did not get carried over.

Please let me know if you will by any chance find a version in which this was working. Otherwise, I'll add it as a feature request.

Teemu Janhonen

Posted on 18.04.2017 08:16


I guess i remembered it wrong..

Anyway this would be a useful, and i wish to see it a part of apply action (display/math) feature in future.



DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 08.08.2018 08:37


I would just like to inform you, that the issue "Apply action should also transfer the color of channels" has been resolved in X3 SP5 DEV-180803.

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