DCOM -matlab, start recording

Olav Vijlbrief

Posted on 19.06.2012 13:33
Dear all, I'm trying to use our DEWE-5001 for automatic testing. That means that I change some setting in our experimental setup and matlab reads out one channel and if this signal is stable enough I want matlab to start a measurement of the dewetron. The first points I already fix, but starting a recording gives me troubles. h = actxserver('Dewesoft.App'); h.invoke('Init'); h.Visible = 1; h.LoadSetup('C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\DEWESoft7\Setups\test2.d7s'); h.startstoring('meting1_001') ??? No appropriate method, property, or field startstoring for class COM.Dewesoft_App.
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