Channel Names & No.'s with DWDataReader

  • Developers
  • Channel Names & No.'s with DWDataReader
Blecher Mann

Posted on 13.09.2017 23:47

Hello, we're trying to create some automation scripts for exporting data from d7d files. This works well so far, using DWDataReader, but many instances of channels have the same name.

When exporting via DeweSoft, there is another column for each channel called "Ch. no" which is prepended to the exported name, making it unique.

E.g. "AI 0/0 / AC Mains_L1"

In DWDataReaderHeader, available fields seem to be only the below, none of which seem to include the above prepended information. Can this be found somewhere, or added?

Unfortunately without that information, or another way to identify the channel names uniquely - this entire thing is fairly useless to us.

class DWChannel(Structure):
_fields_ =\
("index", c_int),
("name", c_char * 100),
("unit", c_char * 20),
("description", c_char * 200),
("color", c_uint),
("array_size", c_int),
("data_type", c_int) ]

Attached files:
DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 14.09.2017 09:27


I believe you will not be able to get that same data if it's not defined in the header. You do however have the index property, which is a unique index defined for every channel used by DEWESoft to distinguish between channels.

A definition of the index can be found in the DCOM manual:

Let me know if this will work for you.

Blecher Mann

Posted on 14.09.2017 18:26

Thanks for the reply. It looks like it will be possible to parse this from the setup xml file.

Blecher Mann

Posted on 14.09.2017 18:26

Thanks for the reply. It looks like it will be possible to parse this from the setup xml file.

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