Can the .dll be used to get time and data arrays separately?

  • Developers
  • Can the .dll be used to get time and data arrays separately?
Arvid -

Posted on 15.03.2017 15:31

I am looking to save on calculation time in a python script I've written and always loading both time and data is often unnecessary as the time-array is rarely used.

DWGetScaledSamples gets both time and data for a specified channel, is there a way to get time and data using separate commands to save time and memory?

DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 21.03.2017 13:42


unfortunately there currently isn't a function that would be able to only read data points and not the time stamps out of a data file. You will have to use both in you script. The overall performance (speed) shouldn't be that different, but you will be using up some more memory as a result, just like you've mentioned.

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