Sirius / Krypton with Windows 10 PC

Harm -

Posted on 07.07.2016 11:56


from what I hear, it is not yet possible to use Windows 10 PC in combination with Sirius and Krypton hardware.
Is this true? And if so, when will Windows 10 support be implemented?



DEWESoft Support
Technical support
Posted on 07.07.2016 14:35


DEWESoft works fine on Windows 10, and all of the DEWESoft hardware (Krypton, Sirius,...) is also supported. As mentioned before, there are two features that aren't supported yet:

1. Macros in sequencer

2. Smartek GigE filter driver (it should be added in the near future)

Apart from that, you shouldn't notice any difference between using Windows 7 and Windows 10 as it relates to DEWESoft. I personally use Windows 10 at the office for all of my testing and I haven't noticed any problems.

Harm -

Posted on 07.07.2016 15:21


thanks! That is a relief :)

Best regards,


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