Current Sensor

Kevin Sterling

Posted on 13.01.2021 14:38

I have an AC/DC Current Probe and am in search of the wiring configuration for connecting it to a 9-pin connector, preferably with a TEDS Chip included. Does anyone know how to do this?

Matic Pevec
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 14.01.2021 11:41

Dear Kevin,

Could you please let me know which DAQ device you have? Which current probe do you have?

Best regards

Kevin Sterling

Posted on 14.01.2021 12:54

@Matic Pevec

Yes. The DAQ device is SIRIUS-i STGM model. The current probe is a GMC Instrument PROSyS AC/DC Current Probe Model CP 30_11.

Matic Pevec
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 14.01.2021 13:16

Dear Kevin,

In the manual, you can find the pinout which can help you with how to connect the probe.

Kevin Sterling

Posted on 14.01.2021 16:24

@Matic Pevec

Unfortunately, I am not highly educated on the wiring topic. How do I know which wire from the current is going to go into pin 1 and so on and so forth?

Matic Pevec
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 15.01.2021 15:10

Dear Kevin,

Unfortunately, I cannot find the datasheet of your clamps which will refer to the wiring of the clamp. What we would need is a description of the colors of each wire on your clamps (e.g. red wire-->+ supply; green-->0V; white-->+ Output; black-->- output). This is specific to the clamps, so I would be really grateful if you could send us the datasheet and we will describe how to connect clamps to the sirius.

Best regards

Kevin Sterling

Posted on 15.01.2021 15:45

I attached an image of the sheet that comes with the current sensor. is this what you would need?

Attached files:
Matic Pevec
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 15.01.2021 16:07

Dear Kevin,

Thank you for the picture. You should use the following connection.

Kevin Sterling

Posted on 15.01.2021 16:10

@Matic Pevec

Thank you! I saw some images of a current sensor with the TEDS chip, but it had resistors connected as well. Would this wiring need any resistors? Also, does the TEDS chip connect the IO to pin 9 and Ground to pin 4?

Matic Pevec
Customer Support Engineer
Posted on 19.01.2021 08:11

Dear Kevin,

In general TEDS chip doesn't demand an additional resistor. If you add it instead, it will serve as security for chip and won't affect the operation in case the resistance is not too large. DS-CLAMPS doesn't require an additional resistor for TEDS.

Regarding the wiring you're right, IO to pin9 and GND to pin4.


Kevin Sterling

Posted on 03.02.2021 14:35

@Matic Pevec

I have the current sensor wired up properly. Now do you know how I should have the general setup in the DEWESoftX software? This is something I found online, does this look accurate?

Attached files:
Matjaž Strniša
Automotive Application Engineer
Posted on 03.02.2021 15:19

Hello Kevin.

Yes you would Measure the voltage from the current sensor.

If I found the right tech specs it will give you 100mV/A so the 1V would be 10A and 3V is you 30A maximum.

Yes, I see that you have the same specs on the picture above. So we come to the conclusion that no more than 3V your clamps will not output.

So the range can be lowered to 10V. Sensitivity is crucial for the right measurement!

Other detail for Current measurement you can find on our WebPage

Best regards Matjaž

Kevin Sterling

Posted on 03.02.2021 16:10

@Matjaž Strniša

We are usually working with voltages around 13.5, sometimes getting up to 18V. What current sensor would I need to be able to obtain an output at this voltage range?

Matjaž Strniša
Automotive Application Engineer
Posted on 03.02.2021 17:13

Hy Kevin.

Like said above, the output of the Current sensor depends:

  1. From ranges of the measurement.
  2. From Sensitivity of sensor you choose.

If you are measuring 1-30A then your clamps are ok and the output voltage doesn't play any role on what is your measuring result.

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